Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ultimate Star Trek: Uniform Update

So going over a bunch of Star Trek material I have had a change of heart about using 4 department colours and have decided to go back to the traditional 3 colours.

Yarp, it is true.

Gold for Command/Flight Control, Red for Operations/Tactical/Security and Blue (not Teal) for Sciences/Medical.

Click for Fullsize
Like I said I am feeling nostalgic and keeping it nice and simple.  Just wanted to update everyone, cause I am crazy like that.


Ultimate Star Trek: Timeline Part Three

Here it is, the last part of the Ultimate Star Trek timeline.  You may notice that this is where the timeline really diverges from canon.  I have actively folded in plenty of stuff from all aspects of Star Trek that I could fine.

Hopefully you will find this an entertaining and exciting conclusion to the Ultimate Star Trek timeline.

Thanks for reading it.

The Cold War
2246 - 2260

With the often challenged birth and the bold explosiveness of the awakening behind, the UFP began to look at the third part of her first century in a different light.

Taking the lessons learned and having Admirals who had truly gone where no one had gone before, Starfleet asserted itself as the premier fleet in the Quadrant.

The Federation herself now wielded tremendous influence in the politics of the Quadrant and the Romulans and Klingons could not risk outright war without paying a massive cost in resources, lives and money. A three-way cold war began, with minor players like the Kzin, Cardassians and Gorns on the side lines and the Ferengi attempting to exploit it all.

The came Genesis and the Cold War got hot.

In the end the Federation survived and even seemed on a road towards a more peaceful existence with their age old enemies, the Klingon Empire. Only time will tell what the next hundred years will bring for the Federation.


• Debris from the USS Yamato is discovered in the Voltair system, some 150 light-years from her last known position. No log-buoy is found.

• Work on Project Genesis begins at Space Station Regula 1. It takes the Starfleet Corps of Engineers 10 months to tunnel out a cavern in the lifeless Regula planetoid.


• A giant energy cloud named V'Gr moves towards Earth at a desperate speed. Admiral Kirk is ordered by Starfleet to take command of the refit Enterprise from Captain Willard Decker and intercept the cloud. Kirk is able to succeed at the mission, but lists Captain Decker and Navigation officer Lt. Illya as Missing In Action. Admiral Kirk steps down from the command of Enterprise and Captain Spock is given command. Enterprise is transferred to the Starfleet Training Command.


• Spacedock is completed in Low Earth Orbit. It is the largest space station ever constructed by the Federation.

• The Tomed Incident results in the death of all persons on the surface of the planet Tomed and the destruction of 3 Starfleet ships and 5 Romulan vessels. Both sides, anxious to prevent war, hastily draft the Treaty of Algeron. In the treaty the Romulans to cease their technological exchange with the Klingons and the Federation agrees to not develop cloaking technology. Many on both sides view the treaty as flawed and irresponsible.


• Captain Jean-Luc Picard assumes command of the USS Stargazer NCC-1987. The ship is assigned to chart and explore the Draconis Outback.

• Laboratory tests of Transwarp drive prove successful. Starfleet immediately approves the "Great Experiment", the building of a Transwarp battleship to be named USS Excelsior.


• The USS Stargazer makes first contact with the Ferengi when one of their ships opens fire on them. Commander Jack Crusher, First Officer of the Stargazer, is killed in the incident. The Ferengi Commerce Authority issues an apology after Picard captures the Ferengi ship and holds it for piracy. Starfleet orders Picard to release the ship and Federation diplomats journey to Ferenginar to establish formal channels of communication.


• The USS Reliant NCC-1846, is commandeered by 20th Century renegade Khan Noonian-Singh who then proceeds to Regula 1 and steals Genesis. Admiral Kirk assumes command of the Enterprise and rushes to the area. After a spectacular battle in the Mutara Nebula, Khan detonates the Genesis Device, destroying reliant and the Nebula. In the wake of the explosion a new planet has been formed and it is called Genesis. Admiral Kirk reports that Captain Spock was Killed In Action.


• USS Excelsior NX-2000, begins her trial runs under the command of Captain Lawrence Stiles.

• Admiral Kirk, Captain Scott and Commanders Sulu, Uhura and Chekov, break Dr. McCoy out of a Federation detention center, steal the badly damaged USS Enterprise, sabotage the USS Excelsior and make for the Genesis Planet.

• The USS Grissom NCC-1940, assigned to study the Genesis Planet, is destroyed by a renegade Klingon ship intent on stealing the secrets of Genesis. Enterprise arrives on scene and is destroyed after a brief battle. Escaping the surface with his cohorts, Admiral Kirk manages to not only rescue the reborn Captain Spock, but also capture the Klingon ship and escape as the Genesis Planet is destroyed. Travelling to Vulcan, there Captain Spock’s Katra (living soul) is returned to his body via the Vulcan ritual of Fal’Tor’Pan.


• The colony on Turkana IV severs all ties with the Federation. All communication with the rogue colony is lost.

• An alien probe searching for the extinct humpback whale species threatens Earth. Kirk and his crew travel to the past in their Klingon Bird-of-Prey, find two humpbacks and manage to return, with the whales, to the 23rd Century. Standing before the UFP Council, Kirk’s crew is pardoned for the Genesis Planet affair, while he is reduced in rank from Admiral and assigned to command the new USS Enterprise (formerly the USS Ticonderoga NCC–1717). In protest the Klingons remove all ambassadorial staff from Federation space.


• The Federation and Cardassian Union sign an official Cease Fire along the border, bringing to an end 22 years of border skirmishes.

• Spock's illogical half-brother Sybok seizes control of the Enterprise and with his telepathic abilities he influences the crew except for Kirk, Spock and McCoy to head for the edge of the galaxy to a planet called Sha-Ka-Ree. At their arrival the landing party is received by a strange being that claims to be God. Kirk deduces quickly that this being isn't God at all, but the now nearly omnipotent Gary Mitchell. Mitchell kills Sybok and as the crew of the Enterprise watches him toy with Kirk, Elizabeth Dehner appears to them. She convinces Spock to use the Enterprise’s sensor dish to create a Genesis type energy wave to end Mitchell’s madness. As she distracts Mitchell and Kirk is beamed to safety, the “Genesis Wave” is fired. Instead of killing the two, it reforms Sha-Ka-Ree into a paradise and elevates them to almost “god-like” beings. Cured of his insanity, Mitchell begs Kirk’s forgiveness and promises that he and Elizabeth will shepherd over Sha-Ka-Ree. Kirk agrees and upon reaching home convinces Starfleet to quarantine the planet like Talos IV.


• Bajoran terrorists begin striking at Cardassian targets in the Bajoran Sector. The Federation Council openly condemns these acts of terrorism as counter-productive to eventual Bajoran freedom.

• Klingon Agents learn of the Sha-Ka-Ree incident and declare that Captain Kirk has, on behalf of the Federation, has continued to develop the Genesis weapon. Sighting that this spells nothing less than the doom of the Klingon Empire, a Klingon attack is launched against multiple Federation and Starfleet locales along the border. War is declared by both sides.


• Word reaches the Federation that a workers rebellion lead by a Romulan named Shinzon has occurred within the Romulans Empire. All attempts to contact the Romulan government are met with static.

• After the disastrous explosion of their moon Praxis destroys all life on the Klingon home world, the only surviving High Council member Chancellor Gorkon offers peace to the Federation. A joint conspiracy of Klingon and Starfleet officers, however, strives to obstruct the peace plans by all means. Gorkon is killed, and Kirk and McCoy are arrested and condemned by the Klingons. After they have been freed, they head for the Khitomer peace conference, where they defeat the traitors with the help of the USS Excelsior and Captain Sulu.


• The Cardassians and Federation negotiate a withdrawal from the Bajoran Sector. The Cardassians in return will receive colonies along the border currently under Federation control. This leads the creation of a DMZ along the Federation/Cardassian border. Many are outraged by the action, but it is carried through. Federation colonists are offered full transportation off of Colonies that have changed hands. Some agree, others do not and forfeit their Federation citizenship.

• The planet Chal, long since abandoned by the Klingons and Romulans, makes contact with the Federation to establish formal diplomatic ties. Not all on Chal agree with this action and a civil war erupts on the planet. The Federation refuses to dispatch or receive ambassadors until the war is resolved.

• Captain Spock retires his commission and joins the Federation Diplomatic Corps.


• A terrorist group calling themselves the Maquis begins operating in the Cardassian DMZ. Their demands are simple, total withdrawal of all Cardassian forces from the former Federation Colonies. The Cardassians do not comply. The first act of the Maquis is to destroy a Cardassian warship ferrying members of the Detapa Council. This causes an increase of brutality in the DMZ against non-Cardassians. The Federation Council issues an immediate statement condemning the actions and declaring the Maquis as outlaws.

• Captain Kirk finally retires from Starfleet and is hired by the Chal government to head their defense fleet. While the incident is classified at the highest levels, what is know is that the decommissioned USS Enterprise (Donated by Starfleet to the Chal government) is destroyed as well as Commander Starfleet Admiral Androvar Drake somehow being killed in the incident.

• The USS Stargazer delivers Commander Benjamin Sisko to the former Cardassian mining station Terok Nor, now run by a joint Bajoran/Starfleet crew and renamed Deep Space 9. Within days of taking command, Sisko and crew discover a stable wormhole linking the Bajoran Sector to the Gamma Quadrant. Within the wormhole, Sisko encounters a race of very powerful aliens, known to the Bajora as the Prophets. He is named their Emissary and begins having infrequent contact with them through visions.

• Shamed by recent cases of corruption with Starfleet, the Federation President re-activates James Kirk at the rank of Admiral and orders him to become the new Commander Starfleet. Kirk agrees, but requests a short vacation first to prepare himself. While on route to Earth to assume his new position, Admiral Kirk’s shuttle fails to check in at Epsilon XII. A massive search of nearly 60 ships fails to turn up a trace. Admiral Kirk is reluctantly listed as Missing.


• The USS Voyager NCC-2117, a Miranda Class vessel, is lost while pursuing Maquis rebels in an area of space known as the Badlands. She is believed lost with all hands on board.

• Retiring from Starfleet, Captain Scott embarks the SS Jenolan to continue the search for Admiral Kirk.

• Admiral Robert Wesley is chosen over Admiral Lawrence Styles as the new Commander Starfleet. Wesley’s “Address to the Fleet” (Broadcast on the Federation News Net) praises the ideals of Admiral Kirk and proclaims that “from this day forward there will always be a USS Enterprise and she will always be the Flagship of the Federation.” As per the Admiral's orders, the USS Proxima, NCC-2123 is renamed Enterprise.

Boldly going to adventures beyond the final frontier...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Ultimate Star Trek: Timeline Part Two

Okay so here is part two of my Ultimate Star Trek timeline.  I expect this one will raise the most eyebrows (though part three is pretty out there too) with the amount of changes I have made to the canon timeline of Star Trek.  Some of them you might like and others you might not.  I just hope you enjoy reading this and remember it does nothing to undo the Star Trek you love, whatever version that may be.


The Great Expansion
2228 - 2245

During this time the Starfleet charted countless systems and encountered scores of new races. The most important fact of this time is that it is the first time that the Federation knows almost complete peace with it's neighbors.

Also during this time the Constitution Class ships make their name as peerless vessels, and many of their Captains become heroes and legends. Their heroism and actions bring the word of the Federation to the furthest reaches of explored space. Among these legendary names are Captains Robert April, Christopher Pike, James Kirk and Anthony Stocker.

The member planets and races of the UFP swell and a new UFP headquarters is built on Earth to accommodate. The Federation has firmly established itself, survived its trial by fire and looks forward to what the future will bring.


• The Constitution-class heavy cruiser enters service. The first one, the USS Constitution NCC-1700, is given to Fleet Captain Garth. Also at this time, Garth begins transferring Izarian members of Starfleet to serve on his ship.

• First contact with the Kzinti goes well, as the USS Farragut NCC-1706, under the command of Captain Theodore Garrovik, comes to the aid of a disabled Kzinti cruiser. After this showing, it is only a matter of days before Kzin diplomats journey to Earth and establish an embassy.


• The USS Enterprise NCC-1701, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, breaches the Galactic Barrier. Unfortunately the FIRST OFFICER, Commander Gary Mitchell and his science officer, Dr. Elizabeth Dehner, are affected by the breach, gaining god-like powers. After the mysterious death of three crew-members and a mutiny attempt by Mitchell and Dehner, Kirk attempts to maroon both on the planet Delta Vega, but in the end Mitchell and Dehner are killed. Both are listed as having given their lives in the line of duty.

• Memory Alpha begins operations. The planetoid contains a massive library with countless donations from Federation member worlds.


• Possession, sale and transport of Orion Animal Women within Federation territory is outlawed.

• The USS Excalibur NCC-1708, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike, responds to a distress call on the planet Talos IV. After returning, Captain Pike requests that the system by quarantined by Starfleet Command.


• The USS Enterprise encounters a derelict vessel from Earth's past. On-board are refugees from the late 21st century Eugenics Wars. After their leader, Khan Noonian-Singh, attempts to kill Kirk and steal his ship, Kirk exiles all the refugees on Ceti-Alpha V.


• Cardassian vessels attack the Setlik III. Fleet Captain Garth is given command of two squadrons dispatched to the system. The result is a series of battles that see heavy losses on both sides, but in the end the Cardassians fall back to their side of the border.


• The USS Yorktown NCC-1712, under the command of Captain Jennifer Marks, discovers the USS Exeter NCC 1711, under the command of Captain Robert Tracey, in orbit around Omega IV. Marks learns that the crew of the Exeter has been killed by residual biological agents left over from a war occurring centuries ago between Omega IVs inhabitants, except for Captain Tracey, who seemed immune to their effects. After interfering in the affairs of the Omegan population and trying to kill Marks and her crew, Tracey is charged and convicted with violation of the Prime Directive.


• The Miranda Class enters service with the USS Miranda NCC-1800. She is only the second Heavy Cruiser class to be employed by Starfleet, and while not as famous a class as the Constitution Class, Mirandas serve loyally and well.

• The USS Lexington NCC-1709, under the command of Captain Anthony J. Stocker, responds to a distress call from Cestus III. Once there they discover that the population has been utterly destroyed by Gorns. Before the Lexington can assault the ship that is responsible for the action, a powerful race calling themselves the Metrons place Captain Stocker and the Gorn Captain on an uninhabited world, with no equipment, to battle to the death. Stocker wins the contest, but refuses to kill the Gorn, and both sides are allowed to leave.


• The USS Hood NCC-1703, under the command of Captain John Christopher, encounters a 20th century version of the Roman Empire on planet 892-IV. The away team, composed of Captain Christopher, First Officer Thelin (an Andorian) and Dr. M'benga, is captured and forced to compete in televised gladiatorial combats. First Citizen Mericus is revealed to be Captain John Merik, a former Federation ship commander, who has become the head of the empire. When Christopher is about to be killed in the gladiator matches, Merik helps him escape, but is himself killed.

• Captain T'Val is given command of the USS Exeter. She is the first Vulcan ever to command a Starfleet ship.


• Captain Muriel Lindsey, Lieutenant Ian Andrews and Ensign Martin Keith of the USS Bismarck NCC-1704, are kidnapped by a mysterious group of disembodied brains, calling themselves the Providers, and taken to the planet Triskelion in the M24 Alpha Trinary star-system. There, Lindsey, Andrews and Keith are forced to fight gladiatorial combat for the wagering of the Providers. Using cunning and skill, Lindsey manages to cause the other slaves to revolt as the Bismarck arrives in orbit, having traced the location of the planet. In the end, the Providers agree to release the slaves and educate them, to honour a lost wager with Captain Lindsey.


• The USS Exeter reports to Janus VI, where several Pergium mining personal were mysteriously killed. Captain T'Val and her crew discover that an intelligent silicon-based creature called a Horta has caused the deaths. After using a Mind Meld to communicate with the creature, T'Val discovers that the miners had been destroying orbs of silicon they found, which were in fact the Horta's eggs. After this contact, the miners learned not to disturb the eggs and the Horta leads them to richer deposits of Pergium.


• A strange energy cloud strikes Memory Alpha, killing all on-board and wiping the computer banks. The USS Yamato NCC-1705, under the command of Captain Robert April, responds to the crisis. Though a the words and actions of a crew-member possessed by the same energy cloud, Lt. Mira Romaine, April learns that the energy cloud consists of the consciousnesses of the survivors of the planet Zetar. April is able to expel the energy cloud and restore the data to Memory Alpha.

• The USS Constellation NCC-1707, under the command of Commodore Matthew Decker, serves as transport for Vulcan, Andorian and Tellarite delegates heading to the Babel Conference. An attempt, by Orion Syndicate agents, to prevent the Conference from voting on the admission of Coridan into the UFP is thwarted by Decker and his crew.

• The USS Farragut and the Klingon ship IKV K'Vrak are imprisoned by a mysterious entity in orbit around the planet Beta XII-A. The entity then pits 38 of the Klingons, including Commander Kang and his wife Mara, against 38 of the Farragut's crew, including Captain Garrovik, with nothing but swords and daggers for weapons, on-board the Farragut. In the end, both Kang and Garrovik conclude that the entity was feeding of the violence and negative emotions, so they starve it by forcing their people to cooperate peacefully.


• Klingons attack the Federation colony on Omus II. The Klingon High Council claims the ships involved were renegades.

• The USS Excalibur serves as transport for the Elaan, the Dohlman of Elas, to the planet Troyius, where she is to get married. Along the way to Troyius, a Klingon vessel attacks the Excalibur, but is destroyed. The marriage takes place, and according to their agreement, both Elas and Troyius enter the Federation.

• The USS Lexington encounters the first Romulan vessel to use a cloaking device. Although they cannot see the vessel, the Lexington manages to destroy it. During this encounter the first images of Romulans are seen, and everyone is surprised to note that they are Vulcanoid.

• The USS Constellation fails to make a standard check-in. A search party is dispatched, but no sign of the ship is found, although the searchers report back the destruction of two star systems, L-370 and L-374 and a cloud of Neutronium debris that may have been a vessel of some sort.


• The USS Yorktown disappears while on route for a standard refueling and re-supply at Starbase 18. A search party is launched, but no trace of the ship is found.


• Klingons attack the Federation colony on Bandek's Planet. Responding to the distress call, the USS Lexington is ambushed by a Klingon pack. Captain Stocker orders an emergency hull-separation, and crashes the saucer-section on an uninhabited world in the Bandek system. They are rescued 6 months later by a Starfleet scout ship.

• The USS Enterprise manages to enter Romulan space and steal a Cloaking Device. Using it to escape, Starfleet sets their best minds to reverse engineering the device.


• The USS Farragut is crippled by contact with an energy creature of cloud-like form. 200 crew-members are killed, along with Captain Theodore Garrovik. The last message received by Starfleet tells of repairs being underway and Commander Anton Chenowyth having assumed command. The Farragut is never heard from again.

• First contact occurs with the Tholians. The USS Yamato is trapped by the Tholians in their Tholian Web. Only after the UFP agrees to honour Tholian space is the ship released.


• Despite intense examination by the best minds in Starfleet, the Romulan cloaking device remains a mystery. Nevertheless, political pressure forces Starfleet to make a demonstration of the stolen device. The device is installed on the USS Eagle NCC 1710. The ship, filled with dignitaries from all over the Federation, manages to successfully activate the device. After a few minutes the Eagle still has not reappeared and cannot be raised on subspace radio. The event is seen as a major disaster and the Federation pressures Starfleet to cease all research into the development of cloaking device technology.

• The USS Exeter is destroyed by two Romulan warships while attempting an emergency evacuation of colonists from Yolda VII. Although most of the crew manages to escape to the surface of the planet, Captain T'Val and her first officer, Commander John Blackstone, are taken prisoner by the Romulans.

• Talks between the Federation and the Klingon Empire breakdown. Both sides mobilize fleets and race towards the disputed zone. The Klingons, under command of Commander Kor, seize a planet called Organia. The Enterprise is the first ship on scene, but Captain Kirk and his First Officer, Commander Spock are captured after attempting to sabotage the Klingon efforts on the surface. As the Starfleet Task Force and Klingon Battlegroup square off over the planet, the Organians reveal themselves as evolved beings that prevent the ships from firing weapons or even moving. The Organians then impose the Organian Peace on both sides and establish a Treaty Zone where neither side may dispatch warships.


• The USS Yamato fails to make a scheduled check in at Deep Space Station 4. A search party is launched but no trace of her is found.
• The USS Hood exposes a Klingon attempt to poison the wheat supply for Sherman's Planet at Deep Space Station K-7. The attempt is foiled when 1,771,561 Tribbles eat and are killed by the poison wheat.

• Federation diplomats cede the Cestus III colony to the Gorns, who claim it as part of their territory. The 50,000 Federation colonists already on the planet relocated.

• Nimbus III is established as the "Planet of Galactic Peace" by a treaty between the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire and the United Federation of Planets.

• The USS Bismarck reports contact with an unknown object, paralleling their course. A Starfleet log-buoy, later discovered, records that Captain Lindsey gave orders for the Bismarck to break off and investigate. No sign of the Bismarck, debris or otherwise, is found.

• Infuriated at Starfleet and the Federation's desire for peace with the Gorns, Fleet Captain Garth mutinies and takes the Constitution into Gorn space. Starfleet immediately declares Garth renegade. The USS Hood is dispatched to intercept and is forced to engage Garth. The Hood is crippled in the exchange and scuttled by Starfleet after the USS Enterprise rescues her crew.

• The USS Excalibur heads into unexplored frontier space, in response to a distress call by an unknown vessel. No trace of her, or the crew is found.


• After completing an unprecedented third 5 Year mission, the USS Enterprise returns to Earth. Captain Kirk is promoted to the rank of Admiral and the Enterprise is given to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers for a massive refit. In Honor of the Enterprise being the only original Constitution to return to home base in one piece, Starfleet abandons the concept of individual ship emblems and adopts the Enterprise logo as the official Starfleet emblem.

• Starfleet Intelligence learns that a limited technological exchange has occurred between the Klingons and the Romulans. While they are unable to learn if the Romulans have given Cloaking Technology to the Klingons, they do learn that the Klingons have shared shipbuilding techniques with the Romulans. Analysis shows that with more advanced ships and cloaks, the Romulans could become a larger threat than any the Federation has ever faced.

To be concluded...

Ultimate Star Trek: Timeline Part One

Presented here is the Timeline for the Ultimate Star Trek campaign universe. It is essentially a hybrid or amalgam of various existing Star Trek timelines (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, FASA, etc...), but also has some original ideas thrown in as well. It is by no means a complete timeline of events and only covers from the Birth of the Federation to the (in game) present day.

The timeline uses the Terran calendar to provide a common frame of reference instead of forcing a stardate system into it.

It is a fairly large document so I have broken it down into sections, or eras represented within the timeline itself.  This is part one.

The Birth of the Federation
2161 - 2227

The birth of the Federation in 2161 was a bold step in the history of the Alpha Quadrant. Never before had such an undertaking been attempted, let alone proposed. Despite the naysayers the first Babel Conference, held on Earth, lasted 152 days but ended with the signing of the Articles of the Federation.

While many celebrated the act, many also predicted a short life for the new Federation and certainly within the next 66 years the unity would be tested.

In the end though, with no small thanks to Starfleet, the Federation managed to survive the challenges and become the most influential body in the Alpha Quadrant.


• The Birth of the Federation occurs. The Andorians, Vulcans, Humans, Tellerites and Alpha Centauran colonies sign the Articles of the Federation in Paris. A side note is that from this day forward, the 1st of every New Year is an official holiday called Federation Day. The Orion Colonies are offered membership but decline, instead signing the Neutrality Pact, declaring themselves officially neutral in all affairs of the Alpha Quadrant. As such they are allowed free access to Federation territories as merchants and traders. Orion slavery is frowned upon but not yet outlawed. According to the Pact, if any proof can be brought to dispute Orion Neutrality, Orion vessels would be barred from accessing Federation systems and violators seized.

• As per the Articles of the Federation, Starfleet and Starfleet Command are founded. The United Earth Space Probe Agency headquarters in San Francisco are selected as the sight of Starfleet HQ. Captain Jonathan Archer, hero of the Earth/Romulan War, becomes the first official Starfleet Captain.


• The period of withdrawal from the Romulan Neutral Zone permitted under the Treaty of Charon is over. From this time on, no military vessel may cross or enter the Zone.

• The USS Daedalus NCC-001, begins her trials under Captain Archer. She is the first Starfleet designed and built vessel.

• Space buoys are deployed along major shipping lanes within the Federation in an effort to improve safety for merchants.


• Starfleet Academy opens its doors on Earth near to Starfleet HQ. At the same time NCO training facilities begin operations on most Federation member worlds and later major starbases.

• The USS Daedalus NCC-001, launches on active duty under Captain Archer. Federation shipyards gear up production of the Daedalus Class starships.

• A Vulcan Science Academy team attempts to seal a subspace rupture in the Hanoli system by detonating a pulse wave torpedo. This inadvertently sets off a chain reaction that destroys the system and everyone in it. This leads to a unilateral ban of studying weapons technologies by the Vulcan Science Academy.


• Starbase 1 becomes operational. It serves as the first step of the Federations commitment to creating permanent stations to help safeguard space traffic.

• A group of Native Americans, seeking to preserve their cultural identity, leave earth to search for a planet on which they can establish a colony.

• The USS Archon NCC-020, disappears during a survey of planet Beta III in the C-111 star system

• The USS Horizon NCC-008, visits Sigma Iotia II. A book called Chicago Mobs of the Twenties is left behind which serves as a model for the planet's new society. Shortly after leaving the ship is destroyed in an ion storm and it takes more than 75 years for the sublight distress call to reach Starfleet Command.


• The USS Essex NCC-013, is caught in an electromagnetic storm and destroyed above the Class M moon of Mau-Bu VI.

• Rigel defies the other members of the Orion Colonies and joins the Federation. This is a major victory for the Federation as it now allows Starfleet vessels to enter the Orion Colonies.

• Phaser technology is perfected and replaces the standard lasers being used by Starfleet.


• Abraham Dannon, author of the Earth/Romulan treaty and chief negotiator of its provisions, is assassinated at a political rally where he is giving an address.

• Starfleet's initial network of manned and automated outposts along the Neutral Zone become operational.

• The first major wave of settlements in the Triangle begins. Over the years this area will become a sort of independent zone between the Klingons, Romulans and Federation. No side can risk making claim over it without causing a general war.


• The USS Demarko NCC-169, first visits the planet Risa. The residents welcome the Federation explorers and encourage them to spread word of the planet throughout the Quadrant.

• A Federation physicist is able to synthesize a single Omega Particle. The resultant explosion of the unstable particle destroys %60 of the surface of Lantaru V and kills 126 of the Federation's leading scientists.

• The Battle of Delta Doraduc breaks the Orion pirate fleet, dealing a major blow to piracy and securing Federation merchant shipments.


• A major break through in propulsion results in the development of the Impulse Drive. The design will remain essentially unchanged through the modern day.


• Renewed hostilities with the Romulans are averted when a Romulan cruiser drifts across the Neutral Zone. The USS Anisantae NCC-222, escorts her back to the Zone after a short exchange of fire.


• Ships from the UFP Galactic Cultural Exchange Project complete their first visit to all Federation member worlds.


• Grahd of Tellar invents the first transporter. The device is unfit for living beings and will take decades to become a commonplace piece of technology.

• On Vulcan, T'Pau becomes the High Priestess of Seleya.


• Federation membership reaches 100 worlds.

• First contact with the Bolians is made when the USS Albert & Walter NCC-461, enters the Bolarus system.


• T'Pau turns down a seat on the Federation Council.

• The Cargo Transporter is perfected but is still unsafe for living matter.


• The Star's End settlement is colonized with the assistance of Starfleet's newly formed Colonial operations Command. This forms the largest colonial operation to date.


• First contact with the Sheliak Corporate leads to the Treaty of Armens.


• The Janus VI mining colony is established.

• Starfleet retires the last Daedalus-class starships.


• The S.S. Columbia crashes on Talos IV.

• The Vulcan Science Academy research vessel Seleya disappears while exploring a spatial anomaly known as the Expanse.


• Dilithium is first discovered to be useful for regulating matter/antimatter mixes in warp drives. Starfleet engineers have a few accidents with testing, but eventually manage to perfect the technique allowing travel past the Warp 5 barrier.


• The Transporter is perfected for use with living beings. At a military display, Klingon visitors reveal that they already have working transporters. Still, research proves that Federation transporters are safer for sentient creatures with less than a 1 percent chance of signal scramble.


• Dr. Richard Daystrom invents the Duotronic computer system. This breakthrough wins him the Nobel and Vulcan Science Academy prizes.

• In preparation for all out war with the Federation, the Klingons and Romulans establish the Chal colony. The colony will serve as a supply base and is populated by Klingon/Romulan fusions, to be used for organ transplants and other medical procedures.


• The Fours Years War begins when Klingon warships make two strikes across the Federation border. In actuality it is a feint designed to draw attention away from a Klingon fleet working towards the Axanar system.

• The Bank of Bolarus V is recognized by the Federation and becomes the major financial institution throughout the UFP.


• Photon torpedoes are developed. With the war in full swing, the entire fleet is rushed into upgrades from standard rocket propelled missiles to these superior weapons. Analysts will later point to this development as the turning point of the war in favor of the Federation.


• Captain Garth of the USS Arrow NCC-1171, manages to lead his squadron in a successful assault on a major Klingon shipbuilding facility at Kurek VI. This act cripples Klingon repair and shipbuilding near the disputed zone.


• The Four Years War ends with the Axanar Peace Mission. The Treaty of Axanar clearly defines the Klingon/Federation borders. The Klingons, having expected aid from the Romulans in the war are forced to make concessions to the Federation that result in massive changes within the Klingon High Council.

• The Asparax Confederation is formed. A loosely knit coalition of 4 planets in the space between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, trade treaties are offered to both governments so long as Asparaxian space is recognized. The recognition is given reluctantly by both sides to avoid another war.


• Federation membership reaches 150 worlds.

• The USS Valiant NCC-1300, is lost on an exploratory mission to Eminiar VII after reporting that the planet is at war with another planet in the system.


• First contact is made with the Cardassian Union. All Federation overtures towards peaceful and diplomatic ties are rebuffed.

• Klingon activities decrease dramatically along the Federation border. Starfleet Intelligence hypothesizes that the Klingons may be at war with an unknown enemy.

• The Cardassian Union officially annexes the Bajoran system. The UFP Council issues a statement condemning the act but votes against taking action against the Cardassians.


• Starfleet establishes the Prime Directive as Starfleet General Order 1, after a rather disastrous contact with a primitive race named the Hokuna. The non-interference directive will prevent all Starfleet personnel from interfering with the natural development of any civilization. The only punishment for officers found guilty of breaking the Prime Directive is full court martial.

• First contact with the Gorns occurs when the USS Kelly NCC-1402, opens fire upon a Gorn destroyer that is assaulting the Federation colony at Crimius. The Gorns are driven off by the Kelly, but soon return with more ships, making a picket line. Starfleet responds by sending all ships in the area to the Crimius system. Captain Garth, assigned to the picket duty, warns that this may be a ruse, but Starfleet Command dismisses his fears.

• The Gorn/UFP war begins when Gorn ships assault three border colonies. Using the Crimius Standoff as a diversion, Gorn cruisers make it to Izar and bombard the planet from orbit. The arrival of Captain Garth and a handful of ships are too late to prevent the death of more than 28 million Izarians. Garth leads the charge that drives the Gorn fleet all the way to the border and is enraged when Starfleet forbids him from chasing them into their space, as the Gorns immediately sue for peace. Starfleet promotes Garth to Fleet Captain, but many critics see it as an attempted placation.


• Klingon aggression returns with the launch of a sneak attack on the Federation colony on Ardan IV.

• After long and cautious negotiations the Gorns and Federation sign the Frontier Accord, limiting military activity in the disputed areas. Peace talks continue on Clanhaven. Fleet Captain Garth refuses to comment on the event.


• Cadet Spock becomes the first Vulcan in Starfleet, despite the wishes of his father, Federation Ambassador Sarek.

• The Gorns begin raiding activities against Federation shipping. Fleet Captain Garth is dispatched to the disputed area and ranks record numbers of kills. Observers later claim that he refused to accept surrender from any Gorn ship.


• Construction begins on 14 Constitution-class heavy cruisers at the San Francisco shipyards. Designed by human shipwright Matthew Jefferies, these ships will go to be considered the best ever designed by Starfleet.

• Kodos seizes power over Tarsus IV, declares martial law, and orders 4,000 people killed when a food shortage becomes critical.


• The Credit becomes the official unit of exchange within the Federation. It is approved for currency trading by the Bank of Bolarus.

To be continued...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ultimate Star Trek: What About the Klingons?

It is 2am on the last night of my vacation.

My fiancée is sleeping quietly behind me and I can't sleep, so I have decided to post another fun and exciting instalment of Ultimate Star Trek, or Why-Can't-I-Just-Love-Next-Generation-Like-Everyone-Else?  You can also replace TNG in that last statement with any other canon Star Trek you like, if TNG isn't your particular favourite.

Just sayin'.

So the subject of tonight's insomniac posting is those most particular of Star Trek adversarial races, the Klingons!

Now for some this is a Klingon;

Did Colicos ever play a hero?
These guys were the first Klingons and they we sneaky, ruthless and very very cunning.  Some say they represented the Mongols, by way of the Communist Chinese, I don't know but to me they represented bad-assery at its' highest!

For a very few, this is a Klingon;

I think I'll have the lobster.
Now we know NOTHING about these guys, as we only ever saw them in The Motion Picture and other than the "idea" or head ridges as well as those uniforms, nothing else about the look carried over to The Search For Spock, the next time we saw Klingons.

For far too many, these are Klingons;

Snaggletooth and Sourpuss to the Battle Pod!
I hate these Klingons.  I really do.  They went from being a cunning and treacherous race to a bunch of Samurai-Biker-Vikings.  Ugh.  The whole obsession with honour, the stop-everything-to-have-an-honour-duel and lastly the promotion via assassination made them a bloody joke compared to the original Klingons.  In my opinion anyways.

And now in the Nu-Trek these are Klingons;

Seriously, I don't even know what to say...
I know nothing about these guys, but they look functionally bizarre to me and I am in no rush to embrace them.

Now the next question I ask myself is, what are the most perfect Klingons to me?  Who do I think of when I think of Klingons?

If you haven't, READ THIS BOOK!
You saw that coming didn't you?  Yeah, these guys rock!  This Klingons are the threat that legitimately could take on the Federation and have a very good chance at winning.  They are total and complete bad asses!

Later the ideas that John M. Ford wrote in here would be used by his roommate who wrote the Klingons supplement for FASA;

1st Edition Cover
A great supplement and really brought life to the Klingons for us.

So my next question is, can all of the above Klingons fit within the Ultimate Star Trek universe?  Yes and No is the answer I come to, but before I go into why not, let's stop and look at why yes.

When we see the 4 different visual types of Klingons we need to ask ourselves if it is possible to have 4 very different, yet somewhat similar  races develop roughly in the same region?  Fortunately Star Trek itself gives us the answer that that is a resounding "yes".

See, the Human type is everywhere;

And yes I could go on, but I felt that was enough examples.  You can also do the same thing with Vulcanoids, though thankfully it stops at Vulcans, Romulans (originally NOT refugees from Vulcan), the Mintakans and the non-canon Vulcanoid Rigellians.

So we have a precedent for the idea of simillar races developing in space.  So much so that TNG did an episode about it where there was a parent race that had seeded the galaxy.  Of course FASA Trek did it first with their Preservers ancient aliens.

Oh one more thing, this guy from Star Trek IV;

I have two voices!
And the President of the Federation;

Admiral Dumb Ass is more like it!
They are of a race that I think is still non-canonly referred to as Efrosians.  Naturally we know less than nothing about them, but they look a lot like Klingons don't they?


So it would be possible to have multiple races of Klingons running around the Klingon Empire, kicking ass and taking names.  Maybe that's what you will do in your Star Trek campaign.

Not me.

Nope in Ultimate Star Trek there are only one type of physical Klingons, the best of all worlds for me;

We come for your daughters... oh and the secrets of Genesis!
Guess who's coming to dinner?
These guys don't sharpen their teeth. They don't care about honour (though glory is a whole other beast!) and then are not so stupid as to promote via assassination, although assassination is a viable political tool to be sure.

They are a serious threat to the Federation and they are aggressive to a fault, something that is very exploitable about them.

They have always looked like this, just like Rodenberry said after TMP came out, and there is none of that "cutesy" bullshit from DS9 about them not looking the same and not wanting to discuss it.

Oh and they do not have tit-useless-half-crescent swords that are fucking retarded and not well designed melee weapons.  And let me save you a lot of wasted words if you are a bat'leth kinda guy, I studied martial arts, but more so know guys who have dedicated their lives to it and have studied multiple weapon forms, they pretty much all have the same opinion about how useless that fucking design it against someone with a normal pointy sword.

So what of the above mentioned samurai-biker-vikings?  Well I have a way of adding them in.  Essentially they are a through back cult, like fundamentalists, who hold the long outlawed belief that Khaless was more than just a Klingon but is in fact a living god!  All that stuff, the honour, the teeth sharpening, Sto-vo-kor, all of it, can be applied to them, an oppressed and actively subjugated sub-culture within the Imperial Klingon Empire. Possibly even having many secret members, who walk like normal Klingons everyday, but secretly are part of the cult.

So there you have it, the Ultimate Star Trek Klingons, cunning, devious, militaristic and very aggressive.  A serious threat and a serious contender for dominant power of the known Galaxy.

Kai the Klingons!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ultimate Star Trek - Who Boldly Goes There?

You ever notice something about Star Trek (original series)?  There is only one competent Captain in the entirety of Star Fleet (TOS spelling).  That's right, this guy;

Smug fat bastard!
The idea that the Enterprise is the only ship in the quadrant (which gets even funnier in the Next Gen vernacular) is a lazy writers hammer tool, but even when there are other Captain's around, Kirk makes them look like this;

Captain Derp to the bridge!
Or even worse, it seems the rigorous Star Fleet psyche evaluations often miss Captains who eventually turn into this;

No clever caption, just two shades of evil.
So naturally this makes Kirk even MORE amazing, sine while he is racing around the Galaxy, kisses green chicks, breaking rules, destroying super intelligent computers and beating Klingons, he is also proving to be better than everyone else!  Who else does that remind me of?  Well...;

Set phasers on WOOOO!!!!!
...but I digress.  I have a point to make and it is this.  When designing the Ultimate Star Trek universe, I felt the need to take the famous missions of the USS Enterprise and divide them up amongst the captains of ALL the Constitution Class Cruisers, showing that of course those ships were in the hands of the literal "best & brightest" Starfleet (I prefer this spelling) had to offer.  Yes a few of them do go mad, space is a pretty horrifying place when you stare into the endless black (Firefly had my fav take on that... well up until Serenity... but again I digress), but the point is that not just ONE ship saves the day or does everything.

Some of you won't like this, but hey... Ultimate Star Trek... remember?

I will post the timeline soon and I hope you all enjoy it!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ultimate Star Trek: Uniform Update

So real fast, I found what I want the enlisted uniforms to look like.  Can't remember where I got them from, so if they are yours let me know and I will give you credit;

Click for full size

On top of that I recently got lucky and was hooked up with a set of Class A's based on that image of the nice lady in the skirt uniform!

Click for full size
These were done by the ever talented Starscape and you can find his awesome web page right here!

Super huge thanks from me Starscape!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ultimate Star Trek: Starships and a Word on NCCs

Funnily enough, as I write this I am watching Empire of Dreams.  Heh.

So the uniforms are in the bag, for the most part, so next up is the other most important part of Star Trek that is always very personal.  Yes'sir it's time to talk about starships.  Specifically the ships of Starfleet.

Now instead of getting into a big intro about what Star Trek ships are and whatnot, I am going to launch right into it by saying;

Isn't she beautiful?

That's the deal for me, the movie gen of starships is what I think of when I think of Star Trek.

See that blue thing at the front?  It is NOT a "Navigational Deflector" it is a "Sensor Dish", which is why the Enterprise is such a good science vessel.  Think about it, the Reliant doesn't have one and is unable to detect human lifeforms on Ceti-Alpha V.  I bet the Enterprise would have found them right quick... but I digress.

Now which is my favourite Starfleet ship?

Yarp!  The Reliant is my baby.  In fact the USS Athena (NCC 26282) was the first ship I ever commanded in a Star Trek campaign and she will always hold a special place in my heart.

Now the other thing I love about the movie era of ships is that between FASA Trek, modellers and fan artists, there is literally hundreds and hundreds of designs to draw on allowing for a diverse and exciting Starfleet!

Here are some of my favorites;

There you have it...  Oh right... I promised you a word on NCCs.

First up it is the name that matters, not the number.  So no 1701A or any of that nonsense in Ultimate Star Trek.

Second is that NCC, in Ultimate Star Trek stands for Naval Construction Code, indicating this is the number assigned to the ship on the day she leaves drydock.  More on why I choose deployment later.

Much like Stardates, nothing generates for fan discussion than the purpose and sequencing of NCCs. FASA took the ideal that each Starship class had a similar numbering scheme (IE; all cruisers are 1000 - 1999), but that doesn’t hold up due to on screen evidence that showed us Connies with NCCs as low as the USS Eagle’s NCC-956 and as high as the USS Intrepid’s NCC-1831. Too be fair though, FASA did list the Eagle as 1738, the later one comes from a chart in Star Trek VI.

At first I figured since this was Ultimate Star Trek I could just retconn the whole thing and make it work. But then I started wondering why the USS Excelsior would be NX-2000 and other ships could be later 2100 and 2200. Confusing just a tad and required heavy handed reasons. Not making me happy it was.

So I decided to use the linear timeline of NCCs. Using the Daedelus in 2162 as NCC-001 and the Excelsior or NX-2000 in 2249 as the guide. I get 87 years of time, leading to 23 ships a year if production is constant, giving us 2000 ships commissioned in that time frame. Obviously it would be inconsistent, less ships to start, more during war time or other expansions, etc…

My other first choice was to decide that the first batch of Connies, 14 in all, would have sequential hull numbers as they were ordered up in a batch.

So with a rough guideline I add in this variable; the USS Constitution (NCC-1700) is commissioned in 2225, a difference of 63 years since the Daedelus. That averages out to about 27 ships a year, leaving 300 more to be commissioned by 2249. With 300 more ships to be commissioned in the next 24 years (taking us to 224) that gives us about 13 ships year.

If we take 23 ships a year from 2162 to say 2200 we will be at NCC-874. That means to jump the next 826 ships by 2225 we need to see production increase to 33 ships a year. Again these are not absolute numbers, just guidelines. We have wars in this period that would require more ships built in those years, and less in the non-war years.

Still given this basic numbering we can, through a little math, figure out roughly when a ship would be deployed. A ship with the NCC-1821 would be commissioned roughly in 2235, since we know from the timeline that the USS Miranda (NCC-1800) entered service in 2234. Again this is not exact science, but certainly something that can be used as a guideline. So the question becomes do we go by commission or deployment? Those deployments might go faster during wartime and slower during peacetime. So from this point on, we will use deployment as it is an easier and more solid point of reference. A ship might be commissioned up to 5 years before being constructed and that would throw a monkey wrench into the whole works. The notable exception is the Excelsior, since she was hailed as “The Great Experiment”, I measure her NCC from commission.

So in conclusion, while not an exact science, it does give a basic idea and as they say “Is close enough for government work.”.

As a side note I should mention that the term NX has only been used 5 times on screen (USS Enterprise NX-01, USS Dauntless NX-01-A, USS Excelsior NX-2000, USS Defiant NX-74205, USS Prometheus NX-59650). 4 of those times are not canon for Ultimate Star Trek, but the 5th (and the original) is very much so. NX-2000 was meant to show a great experiment  Therefore I agree with certain camps that suggest like the rank of Fleet Captain, NX designations are rare and very very special. Ships that break new ground and change the norm deserve this, not simply the first ship in the line.

Of course your mileage may vary, but that is why I made Ultimate Star Trek, to have a playground for my ideas.

Below is the table I use to track ships from the first right up to campaign start.  You will find an easter egg or two within as well.

# of Ships
NCC Range
Notable Ships
USS Daedelus NCC-001
USS Horizon NCC-008; USS Essex NCC-013
USS Archon NCC-020
USS Demarko NCC-169
USS Anisantae NCC-222
USS Albert & Walter NCC-461
USS Atlas NCC-874
USS Arrow NCC-1171
USS Valiant NCC-1300
USS Kelly NCC-1402
USS Constitution NCC-1700; USS Enterprise NCC-1701; USS Republic NCC-1702; USS Hood NCC-1703; USS Bismarck NCC-1704; USS Yamato NCC-1705; USS Farragut NCC-1706
USS Constellation NCC-1707; USS Excalibur NCC-1708; USS Lexington NCC-1709; USS Eagle NCC-1710; USS Exeter NCC-1711; USS Yorktown NCC-1712; USS Defiant NCC-1713; USS Ticonderoga NCC-1717
USS Miranda NCC-1800
USS Reliant NCC-1846
USS Rodger Young NCC-1918
USS Grissom NCC-1940
USS Constellation NCC-1974; USS Stargazer NCC-1987
USS Excelsior NX-2000
USS Bannockburn NCC-2028
USS Enterprise (formerly Ticonderoga) NCC-1717
USS Voyager NCC-2117; USS Proxima NCC-2123
 USS Farscape NCC-2181
USS Enterprise (formerly Proxima) NCC-2123

More to come...

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