Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Eyes Are Okay!

I had my eye appointment today to see if there were any signs of Diabetes in my eyes. Not a drop :)

And I learned that I have 20/15 eyesight, which is pretty spanky :)

My frustrations with the Quebec medical system continue and I was less than impressed that with an appointment I was still waiting for almost one and a half hours today.

Le sigh.

But hey, at least my eyes rock!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Montreal RPG Community Site

I have just discovered and join a local Montreal RPG community site called Midnight's Lair and so far it looks pretty cool actually.

They have members from all over the world actually, so perhaps it is unfair to categorize them as a "Montreal" community, but the lion's share of the users seem to be from la belle province and specifically the city of Mount Royal.

Either way, do yourself a favour, stop by and say hello. There seems to be lots of good and spirited conversations underway.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

A New Home

Well after closing my wordpress account, didn't want to pay for it anymore, I have moved Fat Actor to Blogspot. Alas I lost all my previous posts in the move :( so it's a fresh new start!

Stay tunned!

Capitol City Irregulars

Would you like to know more? Be Heroic!